
Wednesday, December 7, 2011


So, since my little sister Georgia is so gifted at making trouble, I thought I'd write a post about her.
She is two-years-old. Her nick name is Turbo. This is her daily schedule:

7:00 Walk downstairs and make a HUGE mess in the living room.

7:15 Dump all her eggs off her plate and onto the floor.

7:20 Go to Mom and say " Can I watch Dora plora?" ( She is meaning to say Dora the Explorer )

7:50 Go ask Mom if she can watch " Deigo" because she "has a boo boo" (she thinks telling mom that she has a boo boo will get her whatever she wants).

8:20 Run upstairs and make the bedroom that was just cleaned a mess.

8:30 Run back downstairs, knock Jack down and go back upstairs.

8:31 Poke Abi in the face, then run back downstairs and knock Jack down again.

8:33 Come back upstairs and pull on the cats tails and say, " OHHH MIWWIE AND CAWVIN" (that is two-year-old speak for Millie and Calvin".

8:40 Go back downstairs knock Jack down AGAIN and jump from the arm of the sofa onto the sofa yelling.

8:50 Go try and give Jack a kiss and knock him down... AGAIN.

And I bet you can probably guess the rest of the day.

Also I would like to point out at 7:20 she had to make it all rhyme.

Join us next time when we feature........ Jack!



  1. LOL I love little G :) Can't wait to see the posts about Jack!!

  2. LOL!!! That pic of Geeg is so cute. I love your new background!

  3. Thanks! That was the time she took all the potato chips...

  4. Hey BFF okay so I have a question how do I do buttons ???? like you have can you please tell me thanks bye

  5. That is soo Georga!!! SO FUNNY!!!

    From Bess Marvin☻
